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Fly Fishing : Travel & Places
4 Essentials to Choose A Portable Fish Depth Finder
Fish Depth Finders have made a rapid development.. it's not long ago that the devices build for the general public were expensive difficult to install and operate gadgets. These days fish and depth finders are ...
Difference Between Physiological and Structural Adaptation
The term adaptation in evolutionary biology is used in two senses.It is used to describe the process by which organisms evolve to fit their environment. It is also used to describe a particular trait belonging to an organism that helps the organism to survive in its environment. In both cases there
How to Build a Gaff
If you fish for heavy bottom-dwelling fish such as halibut or larger river and ocean fish such as salmon or steelhead, gaffs are a handy tool for the boat. Fishing gaffs are long-handled hooks. When the fish gets in close to the side of the boat and the angler is tired from the fight, the gaffer lea
How to Hook Up a Fish Finder
A fish finder reduces the amount of time you spend out on the water searching for fish. A fish finder must be connected to a power source before it will work; some are standalone devices that use proprietary or standard batteries, while others are devices that can be wired into your boat's battery o
What Happens to Crab Pots When they Aren't Fished out of the Ocean?
Commercial fisheries send millions of tons of fish and seafood to grocery stores every year. One question that arises is what happens to equipment, such as crab pots, when it is lost or left in the ocean.
How to Fish TV Wires Behind Drywall
Hiding television wires behind the drywall in your den or living room makes the home theater installation look cleaner and more professional. Use a flexible metal tool known as a fish tape to route the wires behind the wall through a hole drilled in a discreet location. For safety, you'll also need
North Carolina Saltwater Fishing License for a Boat
For-hire charter fishing vessels can purchase a "blanket license" to cover their fishing customers who lack the North Carolina Coastal Recreational Fishing License. This license allows a charter fishing captain to take patrons who don't have saltwater fishing licenses, as well as those who do, fishi
How to Troll for Redfish
The red drum, or redfish, is a game fish found in coastal waters and estuaries all along the Eastern coast of the United States and the Gulf of Mexico. It is a notoriously challenging fish for anglers, as it spooks very easily and is difficult to attract with artificial lures. Trolling through schoo
How to Hook a Scud for Bait
Scuds are tiny crustaceans that swim sideways. They are fast swimmers and are typically found where vegetation is abundant in the water. With seven pairs of segmented legs and two pairs of antennae, scuds easily resemble a freshwater shrimp. Find scuds in the shallow depths of ponds, streams and lak
Fishing in the Paradise Island, Bahamas
Paradise Island is situated close to the Bahamian capital of Nassau. Off the island, there is shallow-water fishing, including fly fishing. A few miles off the islands, the sea is suitable for deep-water fishing, including fishing for marlin, mahi-mahi and shark. Fishing guides arrange tours of the
Ways to Thread My Earthworm for Fishing
There are a number of different ways to bait a worm on a fishing hook image by Bruce MacQueen from Fotolia.comEarthworms are a popular bait for fish hooks and catching specific types of fish in freshwater lakes, such as bass, perch and catfish. There are a number of different...
Homemade Fishing Sinkers or Lead Weights
Lead sinkers are a common and essential component to a number of fishing rigs and techniques. Although they are available at any bait shop or tackle store, making sinkers at home can save you a lot of money because sinkers are some of the most often lost pieces of tackle, commonly snagging on rocks
How Are Coral Reefs Being Destroyed?
Water PollutionWater pollution is dangerous for both humans and coral reefs.Coral requires a narrow range of conditions to properly grow: clear water less than 330 feet deep and warmer than 68 degrees F. Anything which interferes with this environment either stops coral growth or kills...
What Kind of Main Blades to Buy for 3D Flying
Remote control helicopters are as varied as the real helicopters they are modeled on. Some remote control helicopters do simple maneuvers like turning and diving, while others can do 3-D stunts such as barrel rolls. These two kinds of flying styles require different main rotor blades; ignoring the m
What Size Fishing Hooks to Use for Spots & Croakers
The Atlantic Croaker (aka "croaker") and the Spot (aka "Norfolk Spot") are Atlantic coastal fish whose habitat extends from Maine to the Gulf of Mexico. Atlantic croaker fish grow to around 18 to 20 inches, and weight between 1/2 pound and 2 pounds. Spot fish are somewhat smaller, usually less than
Fishing Guide for Washougal, Washington
The city of Washougal is located in northwest Washington, close to Portland International Airport. The two major fishing locations in the area are the Washougal River and the Washougal Fork West River, both of which have been stocked with hatchery steelhead and salmon. Left to naturalize in their su
How to Rig a Fishing Kayak
A properly rigged fishing kayak should have ample storage space and easy access to all of your gear. Fishing gear should not interfere with your paddling stroke, and it should not be excessively heavy. You should have the ability to see the fish finder, grab rods with ease and find accessories witho
What Knots Do You Tie to Attach a Fly Line to a Leader?
The fly line to leader connection requires a strong knot to absorb shock and connect the two different materials. The fly line is a soft and pliable material, and the monofilament leader is stiff and rigid. Many of the knots used are designed to bite the leader material onto the fly line. Numerous d