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Fly Fishing : Travel & Places
How to Identify Bait Fish
Anglers from different regions of the country have different names for the same species of bait fish in many cases. This can lead to some confusion as one person may refer to a fathead minnow as a "tuffy" while you call it a "ruby red." While the majority of fishermen simply refer to most bait fish
How to Build Your Own Wooden Fishing Rod Holder
Storing a fishing rod by leaning it in a corner will scratch the walls and, over time, will loosen the rod's ferrules. So if you own multiple fishing rods, you can prolong their life, store them properly and better organize your home with a wooden rod holder. Using basic woodworking skills, a rod ho
How to Use Hybrid Hooks
Hooks used to catch a hybrid, or striped, bass must be large enough to withstand the weight and fighting ability of the fish. Hybrid bass can routinely be caught in the 20-lb range and grow in size to over 60-lbs. The use of a circle hook increases the chance to hook and land a fish as the shape of
How to Take Pictures of a Fishing Tournament
Many state lakes and even private pay lakes and ponds are featuring fishing tournaments for cash prizes. To advertise these events, many sponsors and hosts seek to make informative websites, brochures and fliers to attract more tournament participants. In order to make these informative pieces, host
Secrets to Successful Brook Trout Fishing
The brook trout is the smallest of all trout. It measures about 25 to 65 centimeters. It is a popular sport fish and has been introduced to many habitats for this reason. To be successful ...
How to Catch Pinfish for Bait
Pinfish are small fish used as bait for snook, trout, grouper and snapper. Catching them for bait can be done with varying methods depending on the type of water you are in. Smaller pinfish work for trout or snapper while bigger pinfish are needed for large game fish like grouper.
What Happens if Saltwater is Dumped Into a Lake With Fish?
The rivers and streams of our environment are constantly assaulted by pollutants from an industrialized society. Higher levels of salt in water, or salinity, is an issue that can adversely affect fish in freshwater lakes.
How to Get Distance With a Baitcaster Reel
Anglers who want to fish with baitcaster reels must practice to become proficient with them. Although you can adjust the reels manually and use them to fish with large lures, baitcaster reels also backlash, which requires you to untangle the line or replace the line on the reel altogether. Backlash,
Ecological Importance of Coral Reefs
As coral reefs grow, they provide a habitat for thousands of creatures, including plant and animal life. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, coral reefs begin to form when free-swimming coral larvae attach to submerged rocks along the edges of islands or continents. Typ
How to Use Salmon Eggs for Bait
Salmon eggs make a deadly bait for trout, steelhead, even salmon themselves, when the spring spawning season drives these migrating fish berserk. Salmon eggs are available commercially in a variety of colors, from natural pink to eye-catching chartreuse, a blend of green and yellow that stands out i
How to Rate Depth Finders
Depth finders are valuable tools in aiding fishermen in their search for the best fishing locations. Depth finders use sonar waves that bounce off of objects below the surface of the water, and the returning waves report any obstructions---fish or the lake bed---back to the fisherman via the depth f
Homemade Ground Bait for Carp Fishing
Native to Europe and Asia, the carp is a freshwater fish now commonly found in many waters of North America. Often considered a nuisance fish by game anglers, the carp is gathering interest as a fishable species. Fisherman often use dough ball type baits. Numerous recipes have been published on the
Power Vs. Action Casting Rod
Casting rods are available in a wide variety of sizes and strengths for fishermen. Anglers pair these rods with bait-casting reels to target bass, muskies, northern pike and walleyes. Fishermen generally use casting rods to fish with heavier line and lures than they could use with other types of rod
How to Tie a Coiled Fishing Knot
A good fishing knot is crucial for maintaining a secure connection between the line and the hook, lure, or swivel. A coiled knot will have an extra bit of line wrapped, or "coiled", around itself for improved strength and reliability. The "improved clinch knot" is one of the more popular knots invol
What Knots Do You Tie to Attach a Fly Line to a Leader?
The fly line to leader connection requires a strong knot to absorb shock and connect the two different materials. The fly line is a soft and pliable material, and the monofilament leader is stiff and rigid. Many of the knots used are designed to bite the leader material onto the fly line. Numerous d
How to Rig a Fishing Kayak
A properly rigged fishing kayak should have ample storage space and easy access to all of your gear. Fishing gear should not interfere with your paddling stroke, and it should not be excessively heavy. You should have the ability to see the fish finder, grab rods with ease and find accessories witho
Fishing Guide for Washougal, Washington
The city of Washougal is located in northwest Washington, close to Portland International Airport. The two major fishing locations in the area are the Washougal River and the Washougal Fork West River, both of which have been stocked with hatchery steelhead and salmon. Left to naturalize in their su
What Size Fishing Hooks to Use for Spots & Croakers
The Atlantic Croaker (aka "croaker") and the Spot (aka "Norfolk Spot") are Atlantic coastal fish whose habitat extends from Maine to the Gulf of Mexico. Atlantic croaker fish grow to around 18 to 20 inches, and weight between 1/2 pound and 2 pounds. Spot fish are somewhat smaller, usually less than
What Kind of Main Blades to Buy for 3D Flying
Remote control helicopters are as varied as the real helicopters they are modeled on. Some remote control helicopters do simple maneuvers like turning and diving, while others can do 3-D stunts such as barrel rolls. These two kinds of flying styles require different main rotor blades; ignoring the m
How Are Coral Reefs Being Destroyed?
Water PollutionWater pollution is dangerous for both humans and coral reefs.Coral requires a narrow range of conditions to properly grow: clear water less than 330 feet deep and warmer than 68 degrees F. Anything which interferes with this environment either stops coral growth or kills...