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Fly Fishing : Travel & Places
Fishing Idaho's Pend Oreille Scenic Byway
When you think of beaches, you probably don't immediately think of Idaho. A ride on the Pend Oreille Scenic Byway, however, will surely change that. Located in the northern tip of Idaho, this byway introduces ...
Size Regulations on Saltwater Fish
Size regulations for saltwater fish are established to protect the spawning stock of fish and ensure the successful future of fisheries. Minimum-size limits guarantee that the fish will have the opportunity to spawn at least once in their lives. Maximum-size limits create a brood stock that is prote
Homemade Transfer Pump
Transferring water from one container to another requires the use of a pump. The size of pump you will need depends on the amount of water to transfer. You can make a simple transfer pump to move a small amount of liquid, such as gas, by using a pipette. A pipette is similar to an eye dropper, but o
How Does a Fly-Fishing Rod Work?
Rod ConstructionFly fishing rods are thin and long (8 or 9 feet). They are specialized to cast heavy line which allows an angler the ability to catch fish with light-weight artificial floating lures made to look like bugs and flies. The fly rod's history can be traced back thousands of...
How to Troll for Wahoo With Weights
Wahoo inhabit tropical and subtropical waters; the species is known for its speed and delicious meat. The wahoo's body is elongated and covered with silvery scales; its back is an iridescent blue that sports vertical blue bars. Wahoo is regarded as the fastest fish in all the oceans.
How to Make Tiger Muskie Lures
Tiger muskie are toothy game fish that are favored by many anglers due to their fierce fighting ability when hooked. Found in many locations throughout the United States, the tiger muskie is a hybrid of the northern pike. Muskie is commonly stocked in lakes that are under higher fishing pressure. An
How to Jig for Herring
Many angler prefer to use fresh caught whole or cut herring as bait when fishing for saltwater game fish. Catching herring is done with the use of a leader rig that features several small hooks attached to the main leader length with a short dropper line. The hooks are available both plain and dress
Fishing Advice We All Need To Know About!
Lots of people would rather be fishing than doing almost anything else. You will take advantage of the following article and may find it beneficial when being familiar with fishing when you are somebody who ...
Colorado Bow Fishing
Bowfishing, which is also known as archery fishing, is considered a sport akin to hunting in the state of Colorado. A specialized bow with a line and reel is used to shoot and retrieve fish. Due to the involvement of what Colorado law considers a weapon, specific laws apply to bowfishing.
How Much Are Fishing Licenses in Ohio?
Ohio requires fishermen older than 15 years old to possess and carry a fishing license when fishing in public waters, private waters that allow public access and waters that are part of fish migrations.
How to Rig a Plastic Worm on a Circle Hook
The No. 1 lure in the bass fishing world is the lowly plastic worm. This lure, in one of its great many variations, has caught many fish, maybe more fish than any other lure type. Put a plastic worm on a circle hook and you have a combination that is hard to beat. Still, some anglers shy away from
Fishing Hook Basics-Anatomy and Terms
Many fisherman give much thought to the type and size of a hook being used for a particular type of fishing but few have bothered to learn the basic terminology of a hook's parts. In ...
How to Make Decorative Crosses
It doesn't matter if it's for religious or artistic purposes, decorative crosses are popular items. If you want to use an artistic cross as an interior design accent but cannot afford a purchase from a store, there are several different ways to make decorative crosses at home. You can use wood, clay
How to Make a Frog Lure
Frog lures imitate the physical profile and general swimming motion of a frog, making them favorite lures for bass fishermen. Fish notice a familiar image in the water, meaning that the lure need not be a perfectly accurate representation of a frog. A reasonable facsimile suffices.
The Best Trout Jigs
Jigs can be used to catch trout, from rivers to the fishing image by NorthShoreSurfPhotos from Fotolia.comField and Stream Magazine says that jigs are "the most versatile of all trout lures," and can be "extraordinarily effective in waters ranging from tiny creeks to major...
Homemade Strike Indicator Rubber Bands for Fly Fishing
Nymphing is one of the most productive forms of fly fishing. However, nymphing is also likely the most difficult form of fly fishing. Much of this difficulty can be traced to the fact that fish generally strike nymph patterns gently and the strike occurs underwater, where it cannot be seen. A high-v
Sources for Marine-Grade Plywood
Marine-grade plywood is a plank of engineered wood that is high-grade, waterproofed, sanded on both sides and has a very high durability rating. Often used in hobby boat building or other marine applications, marine-grade plywood is often much more expensive than other types of plywood. Marine-grade
Fishing Bags An Essential For Any Angler
A soldier in Napoleon's army didn't have to carry the amount of gear a modern fisherman uses. Fortunately, there are fishing gear bags to make that task a little easier than conquering Russia. Any fly ...