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Fly Fishing : Travel & Places
Lisbon Fishing Information
Lisbon, Portugal hosts vast opportunities for tourists who come to fish. Because it is located on the Continental Shelf, there are large assortments available to delight a variety of sports enthusiasts.
How to Make a Goldfish Pond for Bait
The best fishing is only possible with the right bait, and the more fresh the fish on the end of your hook is, the more likely you are to get bites. Shiners, minnows, goldfish, crayfish and even frogs can be raised in a small backyard pond for bait purposes. If you make your pond large enough and ma
Homemade Carp Boilie Recipe Tips For Using Expert Feed-Stimulant Ingredients!
Discover how to improve your big carp and catfish homemade baits by harnessing the hugely attractive powerful secrets of very stimulatory ingredients and additives, which can seriously make a big difference to your big fish ...
How to Fix a Jammed Reel
Jammed fishing reels occur when the line is wrapped with unevenly distributed tension. The line wraps cross on the spool and the line cinches on itself. Reels also jam when foreign objects are introduced to the gears and bearings. Fixing the reel requires locating the jam and determining the most ef
How to Catch a Swordfish With Bait
Catching a swordfish is a real adventure for any angler and one that could take all day -- or night. Swordfish can run a few hundred pounds (the largest one caught on tackle weighed more than 600 pounds) and do not want to be caught. Fisherman need to be strapped to an anchored deck chair to ensure
Sea Fishing in the Oban Area
Sea fishing in the Oban area is one of the most exciting and varied spots in the UK. Home to record skate and huge pollack, cod, ling and conger, Argyll's coastline is longer than France's ...
How to Tie a Fly Fishing Rod
Correctly tying a fly fishing rod may at first look seem intimidating to many people. However, this is actually a fairly simple process which may be successfully accomplished by many people. Specific types of lines and knots are used to tie the fly rod and once these are understood the process seems
Tuna Fishing Tips: How to Catch Tuna Fish
Tuna has a number of species, most of which can be taken only by the mere use of such equipment bluefin fishing: rod and reel. The Blackfin, red and yellow fin tuna fishing are favorites, ...
Texas Hunting and Fishing Regulations
Texas has rich natural resources for fishing and image by BengLim from Fotolia.comTexas provides an enormous amount of natural resources for recreational opportunities. Anglers and hunters enjoy the vast fishing and hunting grounds the state provides. However, regulations...
How to Replace a Monofilament Fishing Line
Monofilament line is the most commonly used fishing line among anglers targeting a wide variety of fish species, but one thing is constant no matter what the quarry: Monofilament line must be replaced from time to time to prevent it from breaking. Fresh line helps anglers ensure their line will not
How to Tie a Knot to a Clean Hook
To ensure your hook doesn't come loose right as you're pulling in your largest catch of the day, the proper knot is needed. Not just any knot can be used to tie a line to a hook. Some knots are stronger than others, which means they'll hold up better in the water for a longer period of time than a w
What Type of Knots Are Used for Fishing?
An angler's fishing line is only as strong as the weakest knot in the line. Over the years, anglers have developed knots for almost any situation.
How to Tie Braided Fishing Line Knots
The introduction of braided fishing lines knots solved the problem of breaking fish off in heavy cover. The combination of small diameter, strength and flexibility made braided line knots popular very quickly. It wasn't long, however, before anglers realized that braided fishing line came with some
How to Catch Bass Using Popping Lures
Bass fishing with a popping bug is one of the more unique and enjoyable fly fishing experiences available. Bass bugs are generally constructed of buoyant materials such as cork, balsa wood or deer hair. Those bugs that are designed to "pop" usually have a flat or sloped face. Casting popping bugs ca
9 Large Mouth Bass Fishing Tips For Producing Tournament Winners
Large mouth bass fishing is an art just as much as cake decorating or scrapbooking. Yes there is definetly skill involved but as with any hobby you need to have the natural intincts and creativite ...
Making Ice Fishing Tip-Ups
Definition and UsesAn ice fishing tip-up is a simple tool that allows you to see when a fish is biting your line. Most fishermen use them in areas where they can set up more than one pole. The device signals a bite by raising a colorful flag that is easy to see against ice and snow. You...
How to Roast Fish in a Fire
You can roast freshly caught fish in a fire using a variety of methods. Cooking fish over an open flame is a skill that adds value to any camping trip; in addition, this is useful knowledge to have if you're ever caught in a wilderness survival situation. You can add spices for flavor or cook the fi
Florida Salt Water Fishing
Florida offer inshore and offshore saltwater fishing. Its state waters extend three nautical miles off the shore on the Atlantic side and nine nautical miles into the Gulf of Mexico. There are numerous saltwater fish species that can be caught here--snook, spotted sea trout and tarpon, just to name
How to Make a Double Bladed Inline Lure
Spinning blades are used on lures to provide additional movement and flash as the lure moves through the water. Blades are available in different shapes including willow and Colorado. In-line spinners use blades as a primary component of the lure. In-line spinners used by muskie anglers incorporate
How Do Tiger Sharks Travel?
Tiger sharks have a well-deserved reputation as one of the most fierce marine predators in the ocean. They consume just about anything and can strike with little warning or provocation if you find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time. This shark species is characterized by its black tiger-l