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Fly Fishing : Travel & Places
How to Choose a Canoe
Buying the right canoe depends on what you intend to use it for. A canoe suitable for running rapids may not be the best canoe for long camping expeditions or slalom races. Follow these guidelines to figure out which canoe is right for you.
How to Spread Pokérus in "Pokémon Diamond"
In "Pokémon Diamond," Pokérus is an extremely rare virus that is actually very beneficial, if caught. Pokérus doubles any Effort Values, or EVs, that a Pokémon earns by winning battles. For instance, if a Pokémon normally receives two Attack EVs after a battle, it
Lures & Techniques to Catch River Trout
Fishing for trout can be done either with fly-fishing techniques or by casting. Regardless of which method you choose, you need to have an understanding of your quarry and how it travels.
Bow River Fishing Tips
Find tips on the best places and times to fish the Bow River in Calgary.Fishing image by philn99 from Fotolia.comIf you are planning a fishing trip to Alberta, Canada, you will need to make a stop at the Bow River in the Calgary region. The Bow River has been reported as a fly...
How to Make a Carolina Rig for Catfish
Catfish live in lakes, streams, ponds and rivers. Different types of catfish include channel, blue and flathead. The Carolina rig, also known as slip knot rig, works well for catching catfish around structures and weeds but not in areas with obstacles where the line can get snagged around rocks and
How to Tye Snelled Hooks
Fishing line is slick and thin, and because of this specialized knots have been created. To tie a hook to a line involves snelling: wrapping the fishing line on the hook in such a way that the knot tightens as pressure is applied. Snelled hooks are used when fishing with live or other natural baits,
Sea Fishing Tackle Review: Greys G-Series Spin 9' Bass Rod
Because I'm a serious fisherman, I'm nearly always trying to learn about the fish I'm hunting. I just lately embarked on sea fishing for bass, however not before I did a bit of investigating on ...
How to Boil Shells
Shell collecting is a popular hobby for people visiting a lake or ocean. Shells found on the beach are often empty, but some may still have a living animal inside. In such cases, the shells must be boiled to kill the animal inside. Once dead, it can be removed and the shell can be cleaned so it look
What Fish Can Live in Salt Water & Fresh Water?
A major change in salinity would mean certain death for most species of fish. It has been reported that only 2 percent of fish can survive in both saltwater and fresh water. These fish are able to use their bodies to regulate salt and water content.
What Floats on Top of the Asthenosphere?
The asthenosphere is the upper layer of the Earth's mantle. The entire surface of the Earth to some extent "floats" on it, because the asthenosphere is pliable and yields to pressures from below and above. Most of the asthenosphere is believed to be molten rock maintained under conditions of heat an
The Best Way to Catch King Fish
Kingfish refers to any number of large sporting fish such as king mackerel, cobia and white croaker. While the best way to catch kingfish can vary according to the waters, resources and fishermen involved, there are, nevertheless, expert strategies professionals utilize that can also serve amateurs
Homemade Ice Fishing Shelter
There are many kinds of ice fishing shelters that you can build quite easily in a day's labor. Ice shelters exist to offer the ice fisher warmth shelter from wind, and most types of shelters are designed to be portable. Since shelters get hit with foul weather most generally last two to four seasons
Seashell Projects to Make
Whether you have purchased a bucket of seashells from a craft store, or have leftover shells from a recent vacation, there are a number of projects you can create that utilizes your shells. These projects are simple to do and will make great additions to nearly any room in your house.
Megalodon Shark Facts
The giant prehistoric shark, Charcharocles megalodon, was among the largest predators the Earth has ever seen. It was more than 50 feet long and weighed 50 tons or more. That's longer than most houses, heavier than eight elephants and about three times the size of the largest of today's sharks, the
Types of Fish for Salt Water Aquariums
Saltwater fish come in all shapes, sizes and colors, and can be a lot of fun to look at and take care of. If you are putting together a saltwater aquarium, you'll need to decide what fish to add to it. When you go to a pet store, it can be easy to get overwhelmed at the number of fish available, but
How to Add Air to Nightcrawlers
Nightcrawlers make an excellent all-season bait for a number of different gamefish. Generally they are fished on or near the bottom, where they are more likely to attract the attention of a larger fish and less likely to get nibbled away by schools of smaller panfish. The problem is that the crawler
How to Pick a Lock With a Soda Can
A lost key or combination can prevent you from accessing your valuables. A small, commercially available tool called a padlock shim is helpful in cracking open inexpensive locks, such as those used on school lockers. You can save money by making your own padlock shim out of a soda can.
Kinds of Fishing Nets
From small landing nets used by fly fishermen to drift nets measured in miles, the fishing net catches more fish by far than the simple hook and line. Though seldom the main gear of sportsmen, nets haul in most commercial catches. In regulated waters using nets to catch gamefish usually is illegal.
From Murderers to Lifeguard, WHO?—“SHARKâ€
Despite its fearsome reputation sharks could soon become lifesavers. Shark immune system is similar to the human antibody but has very special. According to scientists at La Trobe University in Melbourne, Australia, antibodies of these ...