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Hunting/Shooting : Travel & Places
How to Set a Hog Snare
A snare is a mechanical devise made of a cable loop and sliding locks. A hog snare captures a feral hog around its neck or leg. As the animal puts pressure on the sliding locks, the loop tightens and prevents the hog from escaping. In order to snare a hog, you must have the proper equipment, set the
How to Make Minnow Traps From Wire Mesh
If you have access to a small body of water that contains fish, you can catch minnows using a homemade trap. The trap is small enough in size and design that it can also be used for trapping crawfish. Constructing the trap takes only a single afternoon of work. Once complete, the trap is secured to
Right Side of the Finished Gun
Home Gun Refinishing - Refinishing a Winchester Model 94 30-30 rifle (carbine) at home, using Birchwood-Casey Perma Fin.
Crossbow Hunting in Arkansas
Hunting crossbows are popular among many hunters who want a little more challenge than a gun can offer. There are many laws in Arkansas that deal specifically with the use of crossbows during hunting season.
Missouri Boar Hunting
Wild hogs are spreading throughout the nation, and have established a population in Missouri. There are very liberal rules for hunting hogs in Missouri, and other states, because they are seen as a nuisance.
The Best Ways to Archery Hunt From the Ground
Archery hunting is a difficult task that is rewarded by the feeling of taking game with a weapon with such limited range. Ground hunting offers the even harder challenge of being eye level with the game. There are several ways to successfully hunt from the ground that offer benefits in certain situa
How to Preserve Deer Hooves
The external part of a deer's hoof is comprised of the same material as human nails; the internal material is living tissue. Preserved deer hooves are used to create jewelry, coat and gun racks, lamps or rattles. The hooves are frequently used as part of a whole-body deer mount.
Princeton Tec Corona Headlight
Princeton Tec is a clear leader when it comes to lights for outdoorsmen. The Corona is a good example of this. Features include a rear-mounted battery pack that helps balance the unit, adjustable light angle, a wide array of light settings, and more. Like other Princeton Tec lights I've used, i
How to Attend a Milwaukee Brewers Game
Attending a Milwaukee Brewers major-league baseball game is not difficult in itself. With a little planning, you can watch a game from a comfortable seat and also at a comfortable price.
How to Treat a Squirrel Tail
Preserving animal hides involves removing the elements from the skin that allow bacteria to grow. When preserving the hide of thick-skinned animals, such as deer, the animal must be skinned so the flesh can be thoroughly scraped from the underside of the hide. In some cases, when preserving specimen
Definition of Chamber as it Relates to Guns and Firearms
Definition of gun or firearms chamber. This can be a noun or a verb; read this short article to find out what it means.
How to Do a High Crotch in Wrestling
In wrestling, every match starts with both wrestlers on their feet and each competitor is tasked with scoring a takedown: getting the other opponent down to his knees, while maintaining a dominant position behind him. The high crotch is a basic takedown technique that is used from a tied up position
How to Make Homemade Liquid Bass Attractant
Bass fishermen take their sport seriously, doing everything under the sun in hopes of catching that elusive trophy lunker. One step they sometimes take is to put an attractant on a lure Such attractants are available from a variety of manufacturers; enterprising sorts also can make their own with a
Steel Shot Specifications
Every hunter should be aware of steel shot characteristics.Jeffrey Coolidge/Photodisc/Getty ImagesSteel shot has replaced lead shot for the purpose of hunting waterfowl in various parts of the world. The concentration of lead pellets over feeding grounds of birds causes poisoning of...
Buck Hunting Tips
Hunting a buck requires attention to the animal's behavior.whitetail buck image by Bruce MacQueen from Fotolia.comThere are many reasons why a hunter would choose to specifically hunt bucks rather than does. Bucks are larger, and they carry an impressive rack of antlers that can be...
The Specifications for a Remington 770
The Remington 770 is Remington's "next generation" model of its famous 710 line of hunting rifles. The 770 is a centerfire, bolt-action rifle available chambered for seven different calibers; it comes with factory-mounted telescopic sights. The gun is ready to shoot right out of the box, and needs t
Hunting and Shooting Gifts
Camouflage clothing can be a useful gift for a hunter image by cherie from Fotolia.comWhether it's the holiday season or just a birthday, shopping for a hunting and shooting enthusiast can be difficult when you aren't one yourself. After all, if you've never fired or even held...
How to Mount Moose Antlers
Mounted moose antlers can be a decorative addition to a rec or game room. Mounting just the antlers rather than a taxidermist's mount of the head reduces the cost of the trophy and makes it a do-it-yourself project.
Inexpensive Ski Resorts in New Mexico
New Mexico has great skiing at reasonable prices.taos mountain winter image by from Fotolia.comBecause New Mexico’s skiing is not quite as famous as Colorado and Utah, great deals can be found at ski resorts throughout the state. New Mexico’s ski season can be...