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Hunting/Shooting : Travel & Places
Wilderness Elk Hunting
Elk hunting ranks high as one of the most invigorating forms of big game hunting available in the United States and North America. The sport of elk hunting requires years of practice to perfect, and many states within the U.S. provide guides, tours and hunting expeditions with seasoned professionals
Why Is There Controlled Hunting of Endangered Animals?
When a plant or animal is rare or has a declining population over at least a portion of the species' known historical range, it may appear on an endangered species list. What does this mean?
How to Use Latex Pan Covers on Traps
Land sets made for fur bearers, in particular for fox and coyote, are covered with sifted dirt to make them blend in. The problem is that dirt filters in under the trap pan and prevents it from springing. Also, dirt gets wet and will freeze down, creating a concrete-like cover over the trap. Trap co
Bear, Boar & Deer Hunting in South Carolina
Hunters in South Carolina can hunt a wide variety of game including bear, boar, and deer. Though bear and boar only live and are hunted in small areas of the state, deer hunting is productive all across the state.
How to Bow Hunt With a Ghillie Suit
Millions of hunters enter the forest every year with hopes of bringing out trophy game. Some use rifles and others use pistols, while those looking for more of a challenge use bows. The use of a tightened bowstring as the projective propellant requires game to be much closer to the hunter, making pr
California Elk Hunting
California has a variety of big game species, including elk. There are three subspecies of elk that can be hunted in California--Roosevelt, Tule and Rocky Mountain elk. The rugged, open terrain of California makes an excellent habitat for these big game animals.
Sunrise River Wild Boar Hunting Knife
This Sunrise River Wild Boar Hunting Knife is very practical and very attractive knife - and just about perfect for the intended use. Despite its length (15.5" overall in sheath), it rides comfortably on my hip when chasing dogs and hogs through the Florida swamps - and it looks great at the sa
How Do I Field Dress a Grouse?
Grouse are one of the easiest game birds to hunt and are great starter birds for teaching sons or daughters how to bird hunt. Knowing how to properly field dress a grouse, as with all wild game, is an essential component of humane hunting. It can also make the difference between a disappointing meal
Hog Hunting Near Bradenton, Florida
In heavily populated coastal Bradenton, Florida, near Tampa-St. Petersburg, there are not many wild hogs. Just to the east, as the population thins, one finds plenty of boars to hunt.
Tips on Making a Deer Rug
With a little effort you can make your own deer skin rug.whitetail buck image by Bruce MacQueen from Fotolia.comThere are several methods for preserving game hides. Native Americans used a natural method of tanning hides that is still widely consider by many to be the best and works very...
Past Medalists: Shooting: 10m Air Rifle (40 shots) Women
The Women's Olympic Shooting 10m Air Rifle (40 shots) Gold, Silver, and Bronze Medal Winners from the Olympic Games.
Will my Last-Minute Equipment Changes Help me Find Success?
This deer was a long time coming, and brought to life the adage that most of the work is in the preparation - the actual performance of a task sometimes takes a lot less work than getting there.
How to Remove Antler Velvet
Shooting a buck deer that still has velvet on its antlers is an exciting experience for many hunters, primarily because it is out of the ordinary. Often, bucks have scraped most or all of the velvet off their antlers by the time the season begins. Hunters who mount their own deer, though, generally
SKS Trigger Guard, Showing Trigger Group Retainer.
How to remove the fixed factory magazine from SKS rifle and replace it with a detachable magazine. This will allow you to use high capacity (or low capacity for hunting) magazines in your SKS. I used a Tapco 5-round magazine for this project.
How to Track Animals in the Snow
If you live in an area that gets snow occasionally, try tracking animals around your yard or in the wilderness close to your home. Tracking animals is a difficult task, but tracking animals in the snow can be easier because of the great medium snow provides. When you track animals in the snow you ca
How to Bait a Crawfish Trap
The saying that goes "curiosity killed the cat" could easily be applied to crawfish -- also known as crayfish and mudbugs. A recent study published in the "Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences" showed that in a test of baited and unbaited traps, more crayfish were ca
How to Register for a Bass Pro Hunter Safety Class
Safety is one of the most crucial aspects of learning to be a good hunter. Most states require some form of hunter safety class for new hunters. These classes are held at public and private facilities and usually registration is required prior to the class. One of the easiest ways to locate a hunte
How to Make a Deer Cart
Deer hunting can be a rewarding experience, especially during a successful day in the field. One big problem that deer hunters encounter is how to get a freshly shot deer out of the woods. Unless you intend on harvesting the deer in the field, you will need a way to transport it back to your car or
How to Tickle Catfish
Tickling for catfish is a sport that is common in the southern United States. It is fishing without rod or reel, nets or any other equipment -- just your hands. The choice of catfish for tickling is due to their static dwellings in holes in the sides of riverbanks, making it easier to both locate an