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Hunting/Shooting : Travel & Places
DIY Homemade Solar Shower
It is hard to take a shower while camping where there are no showers. You can build your own shower to take with you to your campsite that is highly portable yet gives you maximum privacy and enough hot water to really be able to get clean. You can set it up in minutes and after the sun has heated t
How to Get the Coeurl Whisker in "FFXII"
Coeurl Whiskers may not seem to serve any purpose in role-playing video game "Final Fantasy XII," but they are definitely worth collecting. These items are a component in unlocking the Orochi, a ninja sword that can cause the Dark and Slow statuses with each impact. Before you begin hunting the Coeu
Deer Hunting Rules in Minnesota
The Minnesota DNR sets rules for deer hunting.Deer image by Pinhole from Fotolia.comMinnesota is a heavily forested state with many hunting opportunities. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources has developed rules for deer hunting meant to control the deer population, stop the...
Hunting Laws in New Mexico
New Mexico, with its variety of ecosystems ranging from desert to the Rocky Mountains, is a haven for hunters looking to bring down animals from elk to turkeys. The New Mexico Department of Game and Fish enforces the regulations that apply to hunting in the "Land of Enchantment."
Getting Started on the Metal Finishing
The old Spanish Model 93 Mauser bolt action military rifle I was overhauling was extremely rough, and needed to be refinished. It also had a brand new barrel, which also needed a finish. I used Cerama-Coat, a spray and bake finish; here's how it worked out.
Tips on Hunting Deer Safely
Deer hunters can protect themselves and others by following safety tips.deer image by david purday from Fotolia.comDeer hunting is a popular recreational activity that many participate in during seasonal periods. To succeed, deer hunters must learn to spot and track animals while...
Illinois Boar Hunting
Wild boars are descendants of animals brought to the U.S. by the Spanish in the 1500s. There are some regular hogs also that have escaped and become wild. There are not a lot of wild hogs of either variety in Illinois, but there are some in the southern part of the state in forested areas. Hunts for
Types of Sport Hunting Equipment
Hunting has evolved from a necessity of life to a recreational pastime. As the game has evolved, so has the variety of equipment used for hunting. Some equipment is used for pursuing any type of game, while others are specialized for hunting certain types of animals.GunsGuns come in a...
Equipment List for Elk Hunting & Archery
Packing lists are helpful when preparing for an archery elk hunting trip.elk image by Melissa Schalke from Fotolia.comPreparing for an archery elk hunting trip will vary, depending on the location where you'll be hunting and how long you'll be out. However, there are some basics to...
Load 'em Up!
Reloading ammunition for the hunter and target shooter, by Russ Chastain - Overview - Benefits of Handloading
Boar Hunting in Poland
In boar hunting, a team of hunters searches out boars living in the wild. These wild ancestors to the domestic pig defend themselves with their sharp and dangerous tusks, making the sport an extreme challenge. They are prevalent in the central forests of Europe, especially in Poland, where hunting c
How to Hunt on a Military Base
There are hundreds of thousands of acres of land on military bases, teeming with a variety of animals. Most military bases open up their lands during hunting season to allow hunters the opportunity to take advantage the wildlife roaming the reservation.
How to Select a Deer Stand for Hunting
Deer stands are commonly used by archery hunters in the pursuit of whitetail deer. They are also less commonly used by rifle, pistol and muzzle loader hunters. Stands can be a camouflaged area on the ground or an elevated stand in a tree. The ideal stand puts the hunter in position for a shot as dee
Nebraska Whitetail Hunting
Located in the Midwest, Nebraska offers a variety of hunting opportunities, including whitetail deer. Spread throughout the state in the river bottoms, sand hills, agricultural fields and pine ridges, Nebraska’s landscape offers food, cover and shelter resulting in a large deer population. Dee
How to Build a Deer Box Stand
A box stand, also commonly called a shooting house or a blind, for hunting deer is useful for disguising your movements, sound and smell. If you are fortunate to have land on which you can hunt and place a box stand, they are reasonably easy to build. There are many commercially available deer blind
Vincent Hancock, Men's Olympic Shotgun (Skeet) Shooter
Profile of Men's USA 2008 Olympic Shotgun Skeet Shooter Vincent Hancock. Young Vincent has become a true force to be reckoned with in the world of skeet shooting.
How to Make a Canvas Goose Decoy
Goose hunting is a tradition for many families when the cold weather rolls around. It is a time for fathers to take their sons out to bag their first goose, friends to spend a morning hunting together in the wilderness, and husbands and wives to spend quality time as a couple doing something that th
Deer Dog Hunting Laws
Eleven states allow hunters to use dogs in the pursuit of deer.Buck Whitetail Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) image by Bruce MacQueen from Fotolia.comDeer are allowed to be hunted with the assistance of dogs in 11 states. Two of those states do not have populations of white-tailed deer, but...
Definition of Sprue Cutter (Bullet Casting, Guns, Shooting)
Definition of sprue cutter as it pertains to guns and shooting. What is a sprue cutter, and what is it good for? Find out here.
How to Cover the Wood on a Shotgun for Hunting
For the modern hunter, camouflaging the firearm is an important and necessary preparation before heading to the hunting grounds. It can be argued that you cannot use too much camouflage when hunting wild game, especially turkeys. The wooden stock on a shotgun is often the most prominent non-camoufla