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Hunting/Shooting : Travel & Places
California Youth Hunter Safety
In some ways, youth are treated the same as adults when it comes to hunting in California. There is no minimum age limit for taking a hunter safety course or for getting a hunting license. Still, there are many hunting organizations that try to get youth involved in hunting, and safety always is the
Whitetail Hunting in Canada
Whitetail hunting in Canada provides an opportunity to hunt some of the best whitetail in North America. If you are considering a trip to Canada to hunt whitetail deer, you can expect a trip that will be remembered, possibly with a trophy in your living room.
Preserving Deer Antlers
Older AntlersPreserving antlers can be easy or difficult depending on the season. For the most part, antlers are not easily damaged. If the deer still has velvet on the antlers, it can be more of a challenge. For antlers without velvet, they just need to be washed off. The antlers should...
How do I Build a Backyard Pellet Trap?
A pellet rifle is a type of gun that shoots small caliber lead projectiles using pneumatic or spring action. They are quite popular for target practice, plinking and for pest control. Their popularity comes from the low cost of guns and ammunition, lack of recoil and the relative quiet with which th
Duck Decoys That Are Illegal in Arkansas
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission regulates duck hunting for the state, but federal regulations also apply. Check the regulations of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service before hunting for any type of waterfowl. You can apply for a permit to hunt ducks in Arkansas online at the Arkansas Game and F
SKS Trigger Group Ready to be Removed
How to remove the fixed factory magazine from SKS rifle and replace it with a detachable magazine. This will allow you to use high capacity (or low capacity for hunting) magazines in your SKS. I used a Tapco 5-round magazine for this project.
What Are Different Types of Hunting Camouflage Patterns?
Camouflage is a critical part the hunter's gear hunter image by cherie from Fotolia.comCamouflage is an important component of the hunting lifestyle. In recent decades, an explosion of camouflage pattern choices has made selecting camouflage more challenging. Just wearing...
Hair Trap Installation
Hair in sinks can lead to slow, clogged drains and eventually to serious malfunctions. These problems can plague sinks, showers, hair salon bowls and even pet grooming tubs, but fortunately, they can be avoided if proper precautions are taken. Installing a hair trap will save the high cost of plum
Deer Trough Directions
Homeowners in heavily wooded areas often build deer troughs for deer in the area. A steady supply of food from a trough can help deer survive during harsh winters when foraging is difficult. Deer have voracious appetites and will frequently return to your trough if you keep it stocked with corn or w
Texas Deer & Turkey Hunting Licenses
According to the Texas Parks & Wildlife Department, a person hunting any animal must first acquire a state license. Several licenses are available that allow hunting of turkey and deer.
Prairie Dog Hunting Near St. Paul, Nebraska
Although farmers and ranchers sometimes consider prairie dogs a nuisance, they are an important prey species for other Nebraska wildlife. Because prairie dogs reproduce quickly, the Nebraska Parks and Game Commission (NPGC) has few hunting restrictions on them.
How to Make a Flashboard Riser
Some farms and ranches have small ponds that are adjacent to a homeowner's crop field, lending an aesthetically pleasing appearance to a typical rural area. However, the homeowner needs to make sure that the pond does not overflow into the crop fields, possibly damaging an entire growing season. Fla
Head-Lite cap with built-in halogen light
Hunting & Shooting Product Review - Head-Lite Cap With Built-in Light. This innovative and interesting product provides hands-free light and covers your noggin at the same time.
Directions for Making Turkey Calls
If you like the outdoors and like hunting small prey such as rabbits, turkeys or quail, you know that an animal's fear of you is generally overridden by its curiosity. Make calls to distract or evoke the prey's curiosity to improve your chances of making the kill. Using a diaphragm to make turkey ca
How to Install Ruger Carbine Barrel Band - Which Way Does it Go?
How to install or assemble Ruger Carbine barrel band - which way does it go?
How to Hunt Deer With a 25-06 Rifle
The 25-06 is an adaptable rifle, capable of being used to hunt a variety of game. For example, when combined with a lighter cartridge, it can easily take down varmints from long distances with great accuracy. On the other hand, when paired with a heavier cartridge, 25-06 is more than equipped to qui
Boar Hunting Tips
Wild boar makes a delicious meal. The meat is free of hormones and preservatives, and the pig comes straight from the field, into the fire, and onto your plate looking fresh, lean and clean. Before you can sit down to a mouthwatering meal of wild boar, however, you first must hunt and kill the anima
Definition of Gunsmith
Definition of gunsmith as it pertains to guns and shooting. What makes a gunsmith special? Find out here.
Definition of Gas Check
Definition of gas check as it pertains to guns and shooting. What is a gas check, and what is it good for? Find out here.