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Hunting/Shooting : Travel & Places
How to Hunt Turkey in California
Hunting as a recreation is for people of all skills; if you want to hunt in California, there are plenty of choices in the type of game. Upland game like turkey can be challenging and yet exciting. Wild turkeys were introduced into the state at the end of the 1800s and are legal game across the stat
Georgia Deer Hunting Laws
Hunting laws regulate deer hunting in Georgia.Buck Whitetail Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) image by Bruce MacQueen from Fotolia.comGeorgia has a positive reputation of offering a wide selection of hunting opportunities. One of the more popular hunting choices is the white-tailed deer. To...
How to Hunt Mule Deer in Washington
Mule deer are among the most popular big-game animals to hunt in Washington each year. This large animal is know for its distinctive ears, which resemble those of a mule. The state wildlife commission has many rules and regulations on when and where people can hunt, but the general season starts in
The Best Deer Scents & Lures
Sexual attractants lure bucks in rut.Deer image by Pinhole from Fotolia.comDeer scents and lures attract deer to areas and make them more comfortable because they smell other deer. Most deer scents and lures contain some kind of deer urine or extracts from leg glands. Scents and lures...
How to Make Snares and Traps
Snaring and trapping is an ancient hunting technique first used by Native Americans and still in practice today. There are a myriad of trap designs; however, the snare and deadfall trap are two of the simplest to make, yet most effective. In a survival situation snaring and trapping could keep you a
How to Collect Deer Sheds
If you have been cooped up for what seems like an eternity and crave fresh air during those late winter months, searching for shed deer antlers (called sheds) might be just the thing to get you moving. A walk in the woods on a crisp winter day can breathe new life into your body, and the excitement
How to Deer Hunt With a 30Cal Carbine
Carbines are defined as shorter barreled guns originally designed to be used by horseback mounted gunmen. The shorter barrel also makes the gun easier to handle in heavy brush or overgrowth. A number of different models of 30 caliber cartridges are available. The most common is the venerable 30-30 w
Hogzilla II Wasn't Raised in the Wild
They say Hogzilla 2 wasn't wild. Does it matter that the big boar hog wasn't raised in the wild? Is it ethical to hunt a farm-raised pig?
Pheasant Hunting on State Land in Arizona
Pheasant hunting in Arizona is an outdoor recreation available on public land each fall. The Arizona Game and Fish Department is the government organization in charge of regulating hunting, and it sets rules for when, where and how you may hunt pheasant on public land.
Regulations of Iowa Turkey Hunting Seasons
Turkey hunting in Iowa is regulated by the Iowa DNR.turkey image by Bobi from Fotolia.comThe wild turkey, once a threatened animal in Iowa, has grown to a stable population, and is now available for hunting. The Iowa Department of Natural Resources estimates that in an area with a good...
Raccoon Hunting With Dogs
Raccoon hunting is a traditional sport more popular in the mid-south and deep south of the United States, but with a following in every state where raccoons are present and hunting them is legal. Most raccoon hunters participate in the sport as a recreational pastime by themselves or with a few frie
How to Do an English Deer Mount
Skull trophies or English mountings have been a popular type of taxidermy for many years. Skulls are a unique and attractive style mounting and are very popular among sportsmen. This type of mounting does not require much time to prepare and are fairly inexpensive. Take steps to prepare for this
How to Make Homemade Bear Pepper Spray
Bears are among the largest mammals in North America, and can have territorial areas spanning over 100 miles. A bear encounter is one of the greatest fears of backpackers and hunters. Though bear attacks are rare -- and though most bears will leave you alone unless spooked -- attacks do occur and fa
Southeasterly View From Tripod Stand
View to SE from a tripod stand in Georgia. I was facing this direction when I shot the buck that morning.
Gun Review: Walther P38 9mm Semi-Automatic Pistol
P38 pistol review. This 9mm semi-automatic pistol dates from World War II and remains popular. With decocker, dependability, good looks, and great feel, the P38 is a winner.
Sully Flats Pheasant Hunting in South Dakota
The Sully Flats Social Club, near Gregory, South Dakota, offers hunters prime pheasant habitat and plentiful game. When the hunting day is over there's a hot meal, a bar and a game room.
Natural Baits & Homemade Ant Traps
Ants are a common insect found all over the world. These insects live in large colonies and forage for available food, perhaps even in your garden, kitchen or pantry. Instead of using toxic chemicals and pesticides, consider using natural baits and traps to remedy your ant problem. Several natural a
Step-by-Step Ghillie Suit Making
The ultimate in camouflage, a ghillie suit can be constructed with materials found at military surplus and sports stores. Constructing your own ghillie suit is time-consuming and somewhat tedious, but doing it yourself can ensure the best ghillie suit possible for your needs as a hunter, nature phot
How to Make a Homemade Kicking Tee
"Look Mom, no hands," a phrase that sends shivers up your spine when your child is learning to ride a bike, does not have the same connotation on the soccer field where foot-only play is expected. Drive longer distances, shoot more effectively and clear the ball with power by perfecting your kick th
How to Keep Your Feet Warm in Waders
Fishing and hunting in cold water will quickly negate the low insulation value of most waders, causing your feet to chill. Cold feet are extremely uncomfortable and in many cases will send you home early. Keeping your feet warm is not easy, but several movements will increase circulation and warm yo