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Hunting/Shooting : Travel & Places
Texas Duck Hunting Rules & Regulations
There are many rules and regulations governing Texas duck hunting.a beautiful duck watching everything image by Ramona smiers from Fotolia.comDuck hunting is a popular sport in Texas. Before you pack up your gear and head to the Lone Star State, there are many things you should know about...
Oklahoma Boar Hunting
Parts of Oklahoma contain a dense population of wild boars, making it a popular destination for hog hunters. For years, landowners and farmers have discussed the positives and negatives of wild boar populations. Some decided to encourage hunting as a tool to eliminate the boars to prevent the animas
Scent-A-Way Max Continuous Spray Odor Eliminator from Hunters Specialties Review
Review of Scent-A-Way Max Continuous Spray odor eliminator from Hunter's Specialties. It sprays without pumping - even upside-down. How well does it work? Read this review to find out.
Swedish FireSteel 2.0 Scout Flint and Steel Fire Starter Review
Review of Swedish FireSteel 2.0 Scout flint and steel fire starter. This is a handy item to have, although it requires the use of two hands and if the lanyard breaks you may lose one of the pieces.
How to Catch a Wild Turkey
Learn how to catch a wild turkey in a wooded area, possibly right near your home. If you can use a turkey call, it may be easier. The procedure to catching a wild turkey is similar to killing one, only without the gun and gore. Any hunting experience is a plus. This is a game of luck and skill.
How to Find Success Elk Hunting on Public Lands in Montana
The elk (Cervus canadensis) is a kind of large deer distributed widely in Canada and the western United States. It lives mainly in forested regions. The state of Montana has an elk population managed in part by carefully regulated hunting. Elk can be successfully hunted using a rifle or bow and arr
How to Hunt Elk in Northwest Colorado
Colorado is considered the mecca for big-game hunting opportunities, particularly elk hunting. The northwest corner of Colorado provides ample elk hunting opportunities with public land and available elk tags. The terrain and habitat in this region, however, cause the elk to have different movement,
How to Troubleshoot a Primos 250-Yard Light
The Primos company is widely recognized as a manufacturer of game calls and lighting solutions for hunters. The 250 Yard Varmint Hunting Light is an example of the specialized lights manufactured by Primos. Featuring a quartz halogen bulb, the Primos light is capable of producing a 250 yard beam of
Boar Hunting in Australia
Australia offers some of the best boar hunting around the world, with an abundance of boars located throughout the countryside. Boars pose a serious threat to their environment, and most Australian states consider them pests. Because of this, boar hunters in Australia do not require any specific per
How to Build an Elevated Deer Blind
A good firing position is essential in deer hunting. By firing out of an elevated blind, you lessen the chance that deer will be aware of your position. You can construct a simple elevated platform, eight feet above the ground, with minimal equipment and make it very habitable by bringing a tent wit
What Is a Good .25-06 Remington Bullet for Elk Hunting?
The .25-06 Remington is a cartridge that is most commonly used on deer-size game. For elk, the .25-06 is considered minimal by some and too small by many. However, with well-placed shots and sturdy bullets, the .25-06 can get the job done.
How to Make a Squirrel Pelt
There are a variety of sizes and colors of squirrels. There are browns and grays and blacks and blues in the squirrel family. A squirrel pelt can make a nice decorative trophy. If you kill a squirrel and hope to tan the hide, there are several steps to the process. While the process is time consumin
DIY Bear Attractors
In states where the method is legal, bear hunters place baits in the woods to attract their quarry. They typically sit in an elevated stand and watch over the bait, hoping a bear comes to it during the hours hunters can shoot. Hunters use a wide variety of baits to attract bears, but the common deno
What to Feed a Baby Deer
Young deer are especially vulnerable to the hazards of nature, and can easily succumb to dehydration or starvation if they do not receive sufficient nutrition and hydration. Orphaned deer whose mother died in giving birth or shortly thereafter are particularly at risk. Careful feeding can help get t
The Best Rubber Hunting Boots
The best rubber hunting boots allow you to cross streams and marshes.mellow marsh image by Micah Jared from Fotolia.comHunters can be picky when it comes to boots and often choose rubber hunting boots because they provide versatility with a variety of features. There are several companies...
Rusa Deer Hunting in New Zealand
Rusa deer were brought to New Zealand from the Indonesian archipelago and are one of the most difficult game animals in the country. Their hunting is regulated by the New Zealand Department of Conservation.
How to Vent a Wood-Burning Fireplace Through the Roof
The gentle crackle of wood burning in the fireplace is welcome on a cold winter’s day but before you can stoke the fire and snuggle close, you must correctly vent the fireplace. Because wood burning fireplaces create fire hazards if vented incorrectly, it’s imperative to follow strict
Bow Hunting Tips for Alabama
Bow hunting can be employed on a wide variety of Alabama game.deer image by Henryk Olszewski from Fotolia.comThe best tips for bow hunting in Alabama include considerations for safety, knowledge of hunting season overlaps, the understanding of when dogs can accompany you on the hunt, and...
How to Build a Deer Hunting Ground Blind
Hunting blinds are structures used by hunters to help avoid detection by the prey they are hunting. As the name suggests, ground blinds are built on the ground, as opposed to elevated blinds. While pop-up blinds are available at many outdoor equipment stores, you may choose to build your own blind u
DIY Motion Duck Decoy
Adding motion to a duck decoy will enhance the realism of the decoy to the ducks your are trying to attract. Ducks create small ripples and wakes in the water when they are in motion. Even the slightest motion from their feet underwater will create little ripples behind them. Adding a small level of